Sunday 19 September 2004

It's Over, Isn't It?

We can't fix things until
you take back all the words I threw at you and you threw at me

We can't fix our friendship until
you take back all the things I gave you that you threw at me

We can't be friends as long as
you only talk to me for the sake of old times

We can't be friends as long as
you won't forgive me for all my mistakes

We can't be friends as long as
you won't forget all the things I've done

We can't be friends if you don't give me a chance
to show you why we became friends in the first place

We can't be friends again if you don't let me
show you how sorry I am

We can't be friends again if you don't let me
remind you why we have been best friends for 13 years

You have to decide
Whether you want to be friends with me

Despite my flaws
Despite my mistakes
Despite my hurting you so badly

You have to decide
Whether you want to be friends with me
And not hold my flaws against me

And not remind me every time of my mistakes
And not talk to me just to wean yourself off our 13-year friendship
And not talk to me just to rehash the events just past

How many times can I say I'm sorry?
How many times must I beg for your friendship?
It's getting too hard

I can't do this anymore
I may have hurt you but I am so sorry
I may have caused you pain, but never again

How long are you going to hold this against me?
Should we just stop trying
Once and for all

Just give up and say
Good bye, adieu
This friendship is no more

It was a good 13 years
Some of it good
Some of it great

Some of it ghastly
And all I remember now
are the ghastly bits

The sorrow, the suffering, the anguish
The fights, the words, the screams, the shouts
The lies, the betrayals, the distrust, the hurt, the mistakes

What a sad end
To a once glorious friendship
To a previously wonderful kindredship

I never thought we'd end
I never thought we'd falter
I never thought we'd grow apart

All those promises of eternal friendship
Friends forever


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