Friday 24 August 2012

Clanging Supersonic

The clang of the rays sonic
They shatter my mind
With their ominous shivers
Seismic shifting, through my body

The clang of the rays sonic
They empty all thought
I am in a House of Horrors
And Mr Dark, holds the key

The clang of the rays sonic
They lend a bleakness to my soul
Opposite to tripping the light fantastic
Reminding me too clearly, of past shadows

The clang of the rays sonic
They spread into the crevices
Of the caverns of my mind
Holding me nastily, to yesterday

The clang of the rays sonic
They flow into an endless abyss
with their icy fingers
Keeping me imprisoned, so silent beneath

The clang of the rays sonic
Breaks through the darkness
with their insistent shrillness
Resting is futile, in this dreariness

The clang of the rays sonic
They force a boulder onto my path
One that I can never move away
It stands there, an anti light-post

The clang of the rays sonic
Perhaps the first sound ever
As I walk alone down this path
Maybe I must, face the Demons down

The clang of the rays sonic
They give me an icy migraine
Drilling a path through my existence
Something desolate, this way comes

The clang of the rays sonic
They displace everything in me
All the good I have done
Blistering away, destroyed in the fires

The clang of the rays sonic
They force me to face my life
What I am and what I was
Blasting to pieces, the walls around me

The clang of the rays sonic
They make me stand here frozen
Bereft of all that made me fly
I wait here, alone in the Shadows...

Anne V (9th July 2012)

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