Monday 7 October 2019

Bump (a song for mum)

head bump
I said so

God of the End of Things
do you see me
standing here
all carbon burnt
no mercy
down to the bone

just chunks
of petrified

no hints
of a rewrite
only the stillness

a wraith of time
holds fast

dead in the lime
Brown eyes
That beckon

Lights dim
spaghetti monster
gets eaten

No lightning crash
i will not rhyme
any happy words
with flash

but see here
I'll give this a
John Wick-ish gash
and an existential smash

all blackest red
and moon ink

see me here
all mariana personified
deep in the trenches

The mendacity
of second dimensional hope
The fluttering candle lopes

Like a jackal in hunger
yet awaiting
the hippopotamus
bump off

the third dimensional
reality cliff
awaits us all

freefall into the rainbows
a tomorrow of stars
in a windless eternity

of dimples and
head bumps

and brightly blue

my mum
she gleams
I see you

Anne V (2019)

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