Saturday 26 October 2019

A Submarine of Cauliflower Gas

a monster response
to quadruple the effect
and triple the reaction
to what Newton
ever envisioned

a submarine
of calculated reactions
cauliflower blasts
of gaseous emissions
so gently Holistic 

that it smokes out
the purple people eaters
hidden behind
hollow doors slamming
all creakily cryptic

the monster cramming
a mash of purple jamming
a bash of people eaters
the squid-ink hash
of the methane-gassed

zombie brainbangers
holding dhobi hangers
ptsd-ing the young
into aging men and women
escaping in old datsuns

seeking their respite in 
sun, sea, sand and
cauliflower wind
can they ever macArthur
the turmoils within

a tribute to Dirk and Douglas
and those who've left 
their towels behind
many salmony light-years away
Y'know wha' I mean?

Anne V (25.10.2019)

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