Saturday 24 August 2019

Nonsense Rhymes #113

The stars they stare down at me

As I decide to walk down the alley

It is a shortcut to the car park

I hear the footsteps approaching

A long shadow floats
Dressed all in black
I am sure I have melted into the night
I cannot be seen
Just as the footsteps come upon me
I turn around

and give a bloodcurdling yowl
And the shadow falls down

with a howl

I hear his ankles crack

I frightened him
Dressed all in black

What a sight
I am the vampire

That has melted into the night

Anne V (2019)


Ostensible Truth said...

Quickening pace and twisty twists , the foreshadowing palpable

Anne V said...

thanks my dear O.T. ! been gone for 2 years from the blogosphere as well!

Ostensible Truth said...

We often need that little pause, but nice to know it's always waiting!

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