and heard heartbreak
A thousand sniffles and tears
and then there were none
The keyhole became her entire universe
for awhile
Through it she could feel their pain
bloom and spread
While her blood thundered
and pounded in her head
Where could she go?
How would people know?
Maybe a fresh start
somewhere else
would do her some good
Maybe she should shake up
the local bar to get her more food
Or was that Shake down?
Her vocabulary was odd.
She felt dizzy.
Through the haze
She shook her head sorrowfully
She hung her head and thought
macabre thoughts of their deaths
Before she could think
Or feel any further
a sound came from the door
She knew in a split second
that this was too much
All the drama and hurting
Despite the three
she had so brazenly attacked
and killed without pause
When the door
shuddered open suddenly
and the whole household
Stared reproachfully
at her senseless murder
of three of their own
She had eaten
their entire month's store
of three large jars of Nutella
... ...
their entire month's store
of three large jars of Nutella
... ...
She needed more chocolate dammit.
... ... ...
... ... ...
-Anne V
Well this piece to me, felt suitable enough for Poetry Jam's writing prompt: An Impossible Place I hope it fit the mood, and apologies for only adding the link belatedly!
hopefully she enjoyed it...cause i think it might take her a little while to live this one got me....i did not see that one coming...
Thanks Brian :)
You have really created a fascinating drama here. You caught me by surprise with the ending. Ha!
Unexpected twist at the end. Well-done!
Anne, do you think you could make rounds through others who post here this week (and even perhaps last week's)? As you indicate being deeply moved that people took the time to give you comments, so also would the rest of us appreciate you taking the time to comment on our work as well. Thank you.
Haha.... A nutellla theif.... I was reallly surprised by the ending.... Haha
Oh, the horror! Caught in the addiction. Nicely done!
Thanks everyone for the comments. I will be visiting everyone of course. Sorry Mary I missed a few last week and this week I have not started my rounds yet, except for several poets whom I have already visited the past days. :) will get cracking!
Thanks, Anne, for your visit and also for your positive attitude!! Truly I do understand that sometimes are harder than others to comment...and I appreciate your efforts greatly! Smiles.
Whoa! You TOTALLY got me with this one.....given the news is so full of killings, I totally fell for it. Well done.
Oh yes Nutella--three jars sound about right to me! thanks for posting this
You took me to a dark place, then switched on a universe of smiles on me, that was naughty
Much love...
oh dramatic hahaha...
Unusual twist. Like it.
Ha! Give the lady her chocolate! kids love it...and I admit, I kinda like it too...smiles. You really had me with this. I thought I was reading an intense drama and got caught up with the story...and then boom...nicely done.
Hello! I've taken time to read through more than several of your poems ~ YOU, dear Anne are quite a talented writer!
Thank you for the fun! You had me going that last line :-)
Understood! Great stuff -- both the poem and Nutella. Ha. Thanks, I am smiling here! K.
dark, darker, ... chocolate! fun pen ~
Excellent the power of chocolate. Or is it lust and temptation? More here than a great poem. Well done.
after reading i wanted chocolate too..smiles..very nice poem..loved the end..made me smile for a long daughters just love nutella..
Great story. Pulled me the whole way through. And what a great twist!
That ending was so unexpected and funny...ha..h.a... Thanks for your lovely comments at my posts ~ Have a lovely weekend ~
hehe :D Now I wish I can have some chocolate too :) Oh who wouldn't love chocolates! :D
Wooha! You really got me with that unexpected twist at the end! I couldn't help but to laugh. And I found it even funnier thanks to that dramatic, tense scene you had created previously. Masterpiece!
when i am in need of inspiration i have an exercise i do...i go somewhere...and close my eyes and listen...then look...and try to take it all in...and then recreate it in words....
go for it...smiles.
hey you...thanks for checking in even when you are not writing...hope other than not writing you are doing well...
I like that twist in the end. I understand well that desire to eat something sweet and comforting during emotional turmoils. It is a great consoler but also an easy way to gain extra baggage. :-)
I will play catch up here later. :-)
ha! That was weird. My comment got lost when I hit 'publish'.
I love the twist in the end. I was bracing myself for something tragic. I totally understand why she would kill all of those nutella jars. Nutella is the best, and when one is in an emotional turmoil and not able to consider the extra baggage implications of such a murderous spree, nutella gives the needed sweetness and comfort. :-)
I'll play catch up soon here. Come to think of it, I am playing catch up with everybody. :-)
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Thank you so much for visiting. I am deeply moved that you took the time to give me your comments and feedback. Much love. Bless.